Weave Log Cabin Dish Towels or Placemats 1W25
This single session will allow for the exploration of the many potential and fascinating designs of log cabin technique. You will weave either 2 handsome placemats OR dish towels woven in cotton yarn, to be taken home at the end of the session. The rigid heddle looms will be pre warped with cotton yarns, so all you need to do is have fun and weave away!
This class is open to all that have woven previously and are ready to weave with 2 shuttles. Limited to 6 students
Make up date 3/8/25 if needed.
Dahlia Popovits
Dahlia Popovits has been designing and weaving extraordinary clothes and accessories utilizing her award winning handwoven textiles made with the finest luxury yarns from around the world, for nearly 50 years. Her work can be seen in her Boston gallery, dahliahandmade.com, which features her handwoven clothing, as well as the work of other artisans.
She has taught at a variety of art centers the past 40 years, and is happy to be able to share her knowledge through her upcoming workshops.
All materials provided.
$28 materials fee payable to the instructor.