Teens (13-16)

Erik Gehring
Length:2 hours
Day of week: 
Date:Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Time:7:00 PM-9:00 PM

In this workshop, Erik will discuss how to streamline your workflow as you prepare images of your artwork for submission to exhibitions and contests, so that you are putting your best foot forward and maximizing your success rate.

Class is no longer open for registration.
Length:8 hours
Day of week: 
Date:Sunday, December 4, 2022
Time:10:00 AM-6:00 PM

Participants are encouraged to bring in a favorite ornament/ image/holiday remnant that reminds them of the season. We will go over whittling, plaster casting, and clay modeling the first half, then set out to create an ornament from scratch!

Class is no longer open for registration.
Verónica Ramírez Martell
Length:2 hours 30 minutes
Day of week: 
Date:Saturday, October 15, 2022
Time:10:00 AM-12:30 PM

Looking for something creative to do with loved ones?  Create something beautiful, together, in Family Macrame!  Designed for an adult/child to attend together, you'll each create a piece of decorative wall-art.  The instructor will teach a variety of knotting techniques, bead-embellishment, as well as discuss material-selection.

Class is no longer open for registration.
Verónica Ramírez Martell
Length:4 hours
Day of week: 
Date:Sunday, September 18, 2022
Time:10:00 AM-2:00 PM

Taken a basic macrame workshop or learned a bit on your own?  Take your macrame to the next level with Intermediate Macrame.  Class includes demonstrations of how to use various knotting techniques to create more complex patterns, how to add beads, mix colors and choose types of ropes and strings that will allow you to design, create and experiment with your own style.

Class is no longer open for registration.
Dahlia Popovits
Length:5 hours
Day of week: 
Date:Sunday, November 13, 2022
Time:10:00 AM-3:00 PM

You'll weave a handwoven infinity scarf using colors and textures of your choosing. The finest luxury designer yarns in natural fibers will be provided in varying materials and thicknesses for a variety of colors and textures.

Class is no longer open for registration.