Home » Classes » Drawing for Pleasure 1F23

Drawing for Pleasure 1F23

Age Group: 
Teens (17+), Adults

Stretch yourself as you experience the pleasures of drawing. Expand from charcoal into additional media and color and merge observation with expression.

Includes three sessions with a live model.

For both beginning and intermediate-level artists with guidance and instruction by veteran Eliot School Drawing & Painting instructor Brigid Watson.


I enrolled in this class because I enjoy drawing but don't do it on my own.  I especially liked the variety of approaches and subjects that Brigid used and because it was a small class, every student received lots of feedback.  I've already enrolled for Jan/Feb class!




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Brigid Watson

Brigid Watson was born in Kent, Ohio. She has undergraduate degrees from Tufts/ SMFA and a Masters in Painting from NYU/Venice, Italy.  She is a professional artist and shows nationally. She has been the recipient of several grants including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, the Provincetown Museum, and the Mass Cultural Council. She was a Polly Thayer Starrs fellow at the Gardner Museum. She has been teaching drawing and painting at the Eliot School since 2008.

Materials to bring to class:

Materials to bring to the first day of class:

  • charcoal
  • pink pearl eraser
  • ebony or 2b pencil
  • 18" x 24" pad of newsprint

Materials for future classes will be discussed during the first session.